Lagerliste und OEM-Überbestand zu Ihrer Bauteilsuche "STPS20M100SG-TR"


Part Number Hersteller Bestand D/C Letztes Update
STPS20M100SG-TR STMicroelectronics 5796 23+ 06.05.2024
STPS20M100SG-TR 99 2012 06.05.2024
STPS20M100SG-TR Partner inventory, to be 21000 21+/22+ 06.05.2024
STPS20M100SG-TR STMICROELECTRONICS 10000 2022 06.05.2024
STPS20M100SG-TR STMICROELECTRONICS 11563 2021 06.05.2024
STPS20M100SG-TR STMICRO 1511 21+ 06.05.2024
STPS20M100SG-TR STM 15000 23+/22+ 06.05.2024
STPS20M100SG-TR ST 6000 2043 06.05.2024
STPS20M100SG-TR ST 2000 2022+ 06.05.2024
STPS20M100SG-TR STMicroelectronics 16000 within 2 06.05.2024
STPS20M100SG-TR ST 1065 21+ 06.05.2024
STPS20M100SG-TR ST 2000 21+ 05.05.2024
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